Saturday 5 March 2016

Thinking about Sound in our Opener

Sound is I think the most important aspect in creating a mood and atmosphere of the genre you're trying to portray, especially that we've chosen a Psychological Thriller/Thriller it is very important that we keep a suspenseful feel and thriller tones throughout the Opening.

For the first opening scene we decided that we either wanted a heartbeat or a ticking clock sound to then lead up to the person waking up form the coma, which would be where it would stop.

Throughout the rest of the opener we did try seeing if we could collage on garage band to create our own suspenseful music that we could use throughout the rest of the 2 minutes.

We tried it out on Garage band but decided that it didn't really fit as well as we hoped with the rest of the scenes, so instead we started looking on the standard iMovie sounds and noises.

There were a few suspenseful music sequence that lasted around 30 seconds, we inserted one of them into the whole two minutes so it repeated over after it finished till the end. We also detached a lot of the audio and copied it to repeat it in other places, so when the character was tripping at the end they were hearing hallucinations of all different audio from the opener.

Through lots of decisions we decided to put in a short voice over just after the title running though the first scene after the title, we through even through it didn't feel like a trailer it would definitely make it feel like a film opener. Also that with our genre being a psychological thriller it would set the atmosphere for it to have a psychological affect in it due to the voice over we recorded was the character confused and not understanding what happened only the snippets of what  they remember on that day.

Restricted narration allows the viewers to know how much the person telling them knows, and is what we decided to use 

(insert pic OF VOICE OVER NTOES)

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