Thursday 3 March 2016

Editing our Opening Film

Below are some photos from editing our main opener on the Mac's in school, we've been editing every lesson and certain lunch times.

Here we were thinking about the title and the font as well as where it would go in the opener, we decided on it being in one of the scenes we thought were quite long to give the audience something to focus on. When trying to choose a font we tried to go for something scary looking and horror like and it fits really well with the scene as some of it is a bit see through. 

Here is one of the places we changed the colour and here we darkened the scene and turned down the brightness slightly to give it a gruesome thriller appeal, also we hinted it with blue which also empathises the grungy and dirtiness of the stairs. 

When looking though the footage for the last few scenes we thought that it might be a good place to put an effect that was on the iMacs and the Sci fi affect worked really well in creating a silhouette and a creepy thriller like atmosphere especially with the narrowness of the corridor and the lines appearing down it.


We changed the colour, brightness, levels, saturation, contrast and exposure to see what worked best with the genre we choose and the image we had for our final

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