Tuesday 9 February 2016

Our Questionnaire and Analysis

The questionnaire we wrote out shows questions and people's responses to the genre we want to choose and based around the idea's we want to represent in our opening sequence, as well as a summary of what we were thinking for the opener.

The questions we asked were...

1. What's the last thriller film you watched?
2. How did the film open?
3. What aspects of the film did you enjoy?
4. What do you think would make a good opening sequence to a thriller?
5.What do you think the key components of a thriller are?
6. If you could make your own thriller what would you put in it and why?
7. Do you think flash backs in thrillers are effective and why?
8. What makes a thriller film effective?
9. What do you think the target audience should be for a psychological thriller?
10. What do you think our opening sequence?

We printed off 10 questionnaires and handed them out asking people to answer and fill them out.

One of our filled out questionnaires 

Here are some graphs and pie charts based off of our audience feedback, with this information we altered a tiny amount and kept most of it the same.

From this we decided that we definitely wanted to use flashbacks in our film 

Having a 15 age audience would be better for us in filming etc. and we saw that an age 15 would be most suitable 

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