Saturday 23 January 2016

Continuity Task


These are some rough notes for our continuity task, to test out filming and using cameras. Using listing to display idea's to use to create a good piece of film.


We did a continuity task in our groups to start to learn how to use the camera's to film different movements, angles and shots as well as editing the footage together so the shots all form together and make sense.

We began to plan for our continuity task and develop ideas, keeping in mind that we had to plan for our opener and shots which we could use again.

We decided to do a crime investigation scene, with an interrogation between a police officer and the suspect who they thought did the crime, the officer acted angry and frustrated at the suspect as they kept denying everything that they were accused of. 

We used a match on action shot for the officer opening the door angrily and slamming the files down on the table. 
Shot reverse shot was used when there was dialogue in-between the two people when the interrogation was taking place.
Also using extreme close ups to show the frustration of the officer getting denying answers from the suspect.
Wide long shots were used as the first shot to show walking down the corridor to the door to the room.

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